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Welcome to The Independent Lender.  I created this site as I firmly believe the commercial finance ecosystem needs an independent voice. I’m the proverbial sports reporter who is just trying to accurately describe what’s going on in the market real time while adding a dose of my personal views where appropriate. My sole purpose is to create engaging, thought-provoking content, add great interviews with key industry participants willing to speak their mind and hopefully have many of you submit your own ideas and views regarding the current state of the lending marketplace.


I love being a lender. I have spent the better part of a decade traveling the country meeting with the entire spectrum of the deal universe, but mostly lenders of all types. No other industry provides the sense of tough but fair competition, along with a fantastic sense of community. I am on the line each and every day and I know you are as well. What I try to do is write for everyone who is on the “line”.


Here is what I aim to bring to the reader:

1. My personal market views, which will be distinctly my own and separate and distinct from those of my employer SG Credit Partners, Inc.

2. Regular interviews with industry leaders from the commercial finance ecosystem

3. Worthy and provocative third-party content – please send me your best ideas to be published


I welcome your feedback and ideas so please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Click here to read my bio and learn about SG Credit Partners: and you can reach me at


No Financial, Tax or Legal Advice; General Information Only


This website is for informational purposes only and does not contain financial, tax, legal or other form of advice. Please do not act or refrain from acting based on anything you read on this site. The information provided on this site is for general in nature and should not be relied upon by you with respect to your specific financial situation or circumstances. While the information set forth on this site has been presented by me in good faith, I make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of anything set forth on this site.


Third Party Links and Content

This website may contain links to other websites or content provided by third parties not affiliated with me or SGCP. Such external links and third party content are not reviewed by me nor are they investigated, monitored or checked for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, or completeness.



While I am employed full time as an officer of SGCP, all of the views set forth on this website under my byline are entirely my own and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of SGCP. Additionally, should any posts on this site result in future business for SGCP, I will not be directly compensated for the referral of that business.

© The Independent Lender 2021

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