The Voids Created in Asset-Based and Asset-Backed Lending
Credit cycles typically bring about two correlated occurrences – consolidation and credit voids. This last cycle has been no different...
The Rise of Bank-Owned Asset-Based Lenders that act like Non-Banks
Charlie Perer outlines an emerging trend of bank-owned asset-based lending divisions conducting business in a fashion similar to non-bank...
Software as a Service (“SaaS”) Lending is Going to Become Mainstream
It’s only a matter of time before SaaS lending enters mainstream ABL. Lending to SaaS, which stands for Software as a Service, differs...
Dances With Wolves: The Importance of Having the Right BDO in Out-of-Footprint ABL
In the 1990 film “Dances With Wolves,” Kevin Costner starred as a decorated army commander in the 1860s who volunteers to oversee the...
Back to The Future: The Future of Bank-ABL
The bank-ABL world is going to go “Back to the Future.” Just like in the movie, before visiting the future one needs to understand the...
STRETCHING OUT: SG Credit Partners Continues to Evolve from Cash Flow Lending Origins
SG Credit Partners was once a single product division of Super G Capital, but in 2018, Marc Cole and Charlie Perer decided to branch out...
The Day the Music Died in Special Assets
2010 is the day the music died in special assets departments around the country. That’s the day that the Office of the Comptroller of the...
Innovation, Competition and Consolidation in the Non-Bank Small-Ticket ABL Space
The sub-$10 million ABL facility space has long been a paradox. Over the years, new capital providers have entered only to chase too few...
Why do Small Community Banks Struggle with ABL?
One unexpected result of COVID-19 is the reexamination of asset-based lending initiatives by community banks. Smaller (sub-$10 billion)...
Big banks’ best defense in a pandemic: A diversified strategy
Combined arms is a warfare strategy used by the military which seeks to integrate complementary assets in a common mission to achieve...
The Empire is About to Strike Back: Non-Bank ABLs are Ready for Action
In the 1980 movie, “The Empire Strikes Back,” the “dark side” (non-bank ABLs) forces mount an attack against Luke Skywalker to strike...
Up in the Air
George Clooney starred in the financial crises era movie, “Up in the Air,” that we in the commercial finance industry are all about to...